EVELO Tire Pressure Recommendations for 2.8-3" Tire - Omega, Atlas, Aurora, Aries

Rider WeightTire Pressure
100-140 Pounds15 PSI
141-160 Pounds16 PSI
161-180 Pounds17 PSI
181-200 Pounds18 PSI
201-220 Pounds19 PSI
221-240 Pounds20 PSI
241-260 Pounds21 PSI
261-280 Pounds22 PSI
281-300 Pounds23 PSI
301-320 Pounds24 PSI
321-340 Pounds25 PSI
341 Pounds and Heavier26 PSI

Do not exceed 40 psi. Longterm pressure above 40 will cause damage to the rim.

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